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OCAJP 8 FAQ – Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer I Certification (1Z0–808) Frequently asked Questions
The Oracle Certifications is one of the most repeated, industry-recognized certifications. It also provides Java certifications like Oracle…
Java 8 idioms
A collection of short explorations that invite you to rethink the Java conventions you have come to take for granted.
Java & Docker: Java 10 improvements strengthen the friendship!
Till JDK 10, running java applications in linux containers was a bit tricky and requires additional setup to avoid surprises. These issues does not affect only older versions of Java (prior to 10), but also some tools that collect information from the execution environment like top, free and ps. That’s
Guide to Java 8 Concurrency Using Executors – DZone Java
Here’s an overview of the improvements Java 8 brought to concurrent programming and the Concurrency API with a focus on ExecutorService.
New JDK 11 Files Methods for Reading/Writing Strings From/To Files
My previous post focused on the Files.isSameContent() method that is likely to be added to JDK 11. J…
Using Java Stream summary statistics
Streams of primitive types (IntStream, etc.) provide a summaryStatistics() method that can be used t…
How Java EE found new life as Jakarta EE
Jakarta EE has emerged from the contribution of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation.