Interested to learn about Remainder Operator? Check our article explaining how the Remainder Operator Works on Doubles in Java.
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Java Ukraine 2019 – Survey Summary(EN) – jugLviv
short survey for members of jugLviv user group and other Ukrainian java developers
Epsilon: The JDK’s Do-Nothing Garbage Collector
The benefits of Java’s memory allocator that does no garbage collection
Top 3 Servlet and JSP Books for Java Developers – Best of Lot
A blog about Java, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, Interview questions, and my personal experience.
How to Remove an Element from an Array in Java? Example Tutorial
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
Top Java technologies in 2020: JVM programming languages, IDEs & more
We compared current surveys by Snyk and JRebel to find out about this year’s most popular Java IDEs, frameworks, JVM programming languages and more.
Building Evolutionary Architectures – JAXenter
Things can change on a dime, leaving your teams unprepared, using outdated technologies. What are evolutionary architectures, and how do you build them?
Records Come to Java
A first look at how Java 14’s data records will change the way you code
GOTO Amsterdam 2020
Created for developers, by developers, GOTO Conferences are focused on bringing the best minds in the software community and the most interesting topics to light
Top 10 Java stories of January: DevOps, IT skills, Microsoft Blazor & more
In January, we made some predictions about what may happen this year in the world of Java, DevOps and IT. Here are our top 10 most clicked topics.
Common mistakes all Java learners make and how to avoid them
How to store data in Java objects
A timely introduction to using instance variables in your Java classes