Guide on developing a CRUD API with Jakarta EE using Open Liberty, Derby DB, MicroShed Testing and the Liberty Maven Plugin
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Quarkus is Eclipse MicroProfile 3.2 compatible!
Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java
Catch common Java mistakes as compile-time errors. Contribute to google/error-prone development by creating an account on GitHub.
Java Stream Collectors Explained
How do Collectors work — and how can we build our own?
How to map a Java multidimensional array with PostgreSQL and Hibernate
I’m trying to map a three-dimensional array from PostgreSQL with Hibernate. A need to store weights of a multilayer neural network. How should I do it better?All source I’ve met was too old. It…
OpenFaaS Classic templates. Contribute to openfaas/templates development by creating an account on GitHub.
Cloud Native for Java Day @ KubeCon EU
Cloud Native for Java (CN4J) Day at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe will be the first time the best and brightest minds from the Java ecosystem and the Kubernetes ecosystem come together at one eve…
Top 10 Frameworks Java Web Developers (Frontend and Backend) Should learn in 2020
A blog about Java, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, Interview questions, and my personal experience.
Mastering Maven: Adding Plugins
In this post, we’ll discuss the basics of the Apache Maven build lifecycle, phases, goals, and their interaction with plugins.
Top 5 Spring Cloud Annotations for Cloud Native Java Applications
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
Activities at Gluon – Gluon
The engineers at Gluon have been working extremely hard over the past few months, with a number of things happening in parallel. We thought it was time to provide an overview of things that are happening, so in this post we will get you up to speed with what is going on at Gluon HQ, …
Java in 2020: What To Expect, According to the Experts — ADTmag
Java community leaders and industry watchers share their thoughts about where we’ve been and where we’re going in the coming year.
Functional Programming With Java: What’s in the Box
The different kind of functional interfaces available in the JDK
Loan charge under review: The 20-year retroactive tax policy pushing IT contractors to the brink
Thousands of IT contractors are at risk of financial ruin as HMRC pursues them for tax it claims they owe on work they did up to two decades ago and were reimbursed for via loan remuneration schemes. Computer Weekly investigates.
Podcast: Why Your Java Compliance Depends On Your Version Of Java – UpperEdge
Erwann Couesbot, UpperEdge’s Oracle Practice Advisor and Java Expert, discusses the 2 main license agreements covering different versions of Java. This podcast highlights some of…