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Por que o Java não morre?

“Kotlin vai matar o Java.” “Scala vai matar o Java.” “Groovy vai matar o Java.” Basta uma nova linguagem surgir que logo começam as…

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Is Java Still Free? |

The way the core Java platform is developed and distributed is changing significantly. In this session, we’ll explain all the changes from the release cycle, long-term support and availability of updates. Is Java still free, or do you have to pay for it? Find out what your options are.

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Scholarship – JAlba

Scholarship Scholarship JAlba 2019 has a scholarship available, worth up to £1300. It’s intended especially (but not exclusively) ….

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GOTO Chicago 2019

Created for developers, by developers, GOTO Conferences are focused on bringing the best minds in the software community and the most interesting topics to light

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Java, Turbocharged

Java, Turbocharged

Thursday, May 2, 2019, 5:00 PM

LONDON, london
london London, GB

200 vJUGers Attending

Watch the session on This is a virtual Meetup occurring at 5PM UK time (GMT). The live session will be broadcast on Just click to join when the time comes! The recording will be available immediately afterward. Here’s a timezone calculator:…

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Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: 5 Agile Steps to Building Elastic and Cloud-ready Apps. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.

Join us to learn how to develop an agile evolutionary architecture which allows delaying unnecessary technical decisions until the time it’s safe to make them. MicroProfile features will get us started quickly. Start simple and easily refactor to improve the important parts later. Open source implementations of MicroProfile like Payara Micro add further flexibility; it can range from simple messaging to Apache Kafka or Amazon SQS for high performance messaging; from simple config files to distributed config. Come to learn how to think flexibly and adapt to the future.In a live demonstration, you’ll see how an example application can be evolved gradually to deliver business value quickly and how to add new features later. You’ll learn how to evolve the application according to changing requirements without creating a ball of mud in the future.

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Evolving a Pragmatic, Clean Architecture  – A Craftsman’s Guide

Evolving a Pragmatic, Clean Architecture  – A Craftsman’s Guide

Thursday, Mar 28, 2019, 5:00 PM

LONDON, london
london London, GB

674 vJUGers Attending

This is a virtual Meetup occuring at 5PM UK time (GMT). The live session will be broadcast on Just click to join when the time comes! The recording will be available immediately afterward. Here’s a timezone calculator:…

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