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Virtual Threads: New Foundations for High-Scale Java Applications

Virtual threads are a lightweight implementation of Java threads, delivered as a preview feature in Java 19.  They dramatically reduce the effort of writing, maintaining, and observing high-throughput concurrent applications. Virtual threads breathe new life into the familiar thread-per-request style of programming, allowing it to scale with near-optimal hardware utilization.

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G1 Pre-Barrier Implementation

G1 uses two kinds of barriers to maintain certain GC invariants, while mutators update the objects graph concurrently. The pre-barrier is some code mutators execute before a store operation, and it

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Java News Roundup: Extent-Local Variables, Payara Platform, Project Reactor, Ktor, Spring Web Flow

This week’s Java roundup for August 8th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 19, JDK 20,Jakarta EE 10, Spring WebFlow 3.0.0-M1, Spring Tools 4.15.3, Payara Platform Enterprise 5.42.0, Quarkus 2.11.2, MicroStream 7.0.1-beta, Piranha 22.8.0, JobRunr 5.1.7, Eclipse Vert.x 4.3.3, Project Reactor 2022.0.0-M5, Ktor 2.1.0, Apache Camel 3.18.1 and KCDC Conference.

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Quarkus Cookbook | Red Hat Developer

Kubernetes is becoming the de facto platform to deploy enterprise applications. This book offers an understanding of how to containerize a Java-based application by taking the proper measures.

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Java News Roundup: Spring Cloud, Liberica NIK, Open Liberty, Micronaut, JHipster, Apache ShenYu

This week’s Java roundup for August 1st, 2022, features news from JDK 19, JDK 20, Spring point and milestone releases, Liberica NIK 22.2.0 and 21.3.3, Open Liberty and, Micronaut 3.6.0, WildFly 27 Alpha4, Hibernate ORM 6.1.2, Hibernate Validator 6.2.4, 7.0.5 and 8.0.0.CR2, Hibernate Search 6.1.6, JHipster 7.9.2, 7.9.1 and 7.9.0, JBang 0.96.4 and Apache ShenYu.

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Jakarta Tech Talk – Sign Up

At Eclipse Foundation, our Jakarta EE Working Group is running a series of talks – Jakarta Tech Talks to showcase **any cloud native java projects microservices projects and technologies**. The audience is anyone interested in cloud application development, in particular developers and potential adopters of the software.This form can be used either to propose a talk that you and/or a colleague will give, or to request a talk that you would like to see. Eclipse Foundation will set up the infrastructure to run the event virtually.Check out our Jakarta EE YouTube Channel and previous Jakarta Tech Talk sessions: look forward to your presentation or suggestion!