Java Streams are often a good replacement for loops. Where loops provide the break keyword, we have do something a little different to stop a Stream.
Support for MicroProfile 2.2 and Java 12 is here!
We are happy to announce the release of KumuluzEE 3.5.0. This release includes a brand new profile for MicroProfile 2.2.MicroProfile 2.2 contains upgrades to…
Apache Log4j 2.12.0: Update for Java logging framework adds new Docker Lookup – JAXenter
The latest update for the Java-based logging framework Apache Log4j introduces new features, such as allowing custom end-of-line with JsonLayout.
Binary Search Algorithm using Recursion in Java
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
Apache NetBeans 11.1 – NetBeans – Apache Software Foundation
JaCoCo Maven integration is broken in NB 11.0: Prevent Maven libraries from being ex….
Java experts on Java SE 8 commercial license: Part 1 | Rogue Wave CodeBuzz
Oracle now requires a paid subscription for businesses to continue getting updates to Java SE 8. What are your thoughts on this decision by Oracle?
Java Weekly, Issue 286 | Baeldung
A new series on Spring Cloud Gateway kicks off, and a good write-up on the opposite nature of objects and data structures.
JDK 13: The new features coming to Java 13
Official development targets for Java 13 include improvements to garbage collection, application class-data sharing, and text blocks
Pivotal Spring Runtime extends Java support, company lifeline
Pivotal Spring Runtime features the company’s own distribution of OpenJDK, the free, open source version of Java, in a bid to welcome more Java to the Spring Framework, and help right the company’s ship.
Is there a way to lint incompatible Java API references with PMD, Checkstyle, SpotBugs, etc?
We are currently using Java Compiler 11 and deploy our main artifacts to Java 11. No problem here. Unfortunately, a service we use only supports Java 8 so we compile some of them targetting Java …
Download Liberica Mission Control version 7.0
Liberica Mission Control 7.0 is a low-overhead Java profiler built from OpenJDK JMC project.
Generating PDF Files Using Java
A step by step tutorial on how to generate PDF files in Java.
Right Way to Create, Start and Stop a New Thread in Java
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
5 Free Eclipse and JUnit Online Courses for Java Developers
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.