How can developers sort through the dizzying number of options for Java libraries to find the perfect tool for their project?
Java experts on OpenJDK vs. Oracle JDK: Part 2 | Rogue Wave CodeBuzz
Experts discuss the pros and cons of OpenJDK vs. Oracle JDK and make recommendations for those that have not yet purchased Oracle subscriptions.
Java Optional working of orElse is not as if else
In Optional while optional.orElse method is call, irrespective of the element is present or not the orElse part is executed it does not behave as the if else condition.In the below code if you se…
Faster JVM Application Warm Up With Zing
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) provides amanaged runtime environment for the safe deployment of ap…
An Introduction to Connection Pools in Payara Server 5
In this blog post, we take an introductory look at connection pools and how to configure them in Payara Server using best practices.
The @SpringBootApplication annotation Example in Java + Spring Boot
A blog about Java, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, Interview questions, and my personal experience.
Top 5 Free Android App Development Courses for Programmers
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
Getting started with Z Garbage Collector(ZGC) in Java 11 [Tutorial] | Packt Hub
This article covers the need of Z Garbage Collector (ZGC), its features, its working, ZGC heap, ZGC phases, and colored pointers.
Will Python overtake Java as the most used programming language? – JAXenter
The TIOBE Index claimed that Python might overtake Java and C as the most popular language in a few years. Let’s take a look at the rise of Python.
“===“ equivalent in Java
While comparing two values in Java, how do you test if both, the type and the value, are equivalent?I know in JavaScript === can be used to accomplish this, so I tried that in Java, but it didn’t…
Renaming Jetty from javax.* to jakarta.*
The Issue The Eclipse Jakarta EE project has not obtained the rights from Oracle to extend the Java EE APIs living in the javax.* package. As such, the Java community is faced with a choice between continuing to use the…
Difference between @ContextConfiguration and @SpringApplicationConfiguration in Spring Boot Integration Test
A blog about Java, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, Interview questions, and my personal experience.
Java for iOS? Gluon Client plugins support Java & JavaFX on iOS devices – JAXenter
Java enters uncharted territory: iOS devices. Gluon is working on bringing Java development to iOS devices with Gluon Mobile. The Gluon client plugin now offers configurations for running Java 11+ apps on iOS devices (or the iPhone simulator).
Java 2019 – The state of Developer Ecosystem in 2019 Infographic
Almost 7,000 developers share their insights on modern technologies, programming languages, frameworks, and tools of choice for software development.
Why Continuations are Coming to Java
Ron Pressler discusses and compares the various techniques of dealing with concurrency and IO in both pure functional (monads, affine types) and imperative programming languages (threads, continuations, monads, async/await), and shows why delimited continuations are a great fit for the imperative style.