For Java developers, this 101 guide explains how Spring Boot can help you, what the features do, and how do enhance your productivity and development.
Java 12 Tutorial: How the new switch expressions work – JAX London
Our speaker Michael Inden analyzes why an extension and modification in the syntax and behavior of switch make sense and the previous weaknesses of switch
Java Testing Weekly 25 / 2019
There are many software development blogs out there, but many of them don’t publish testing articles on a regular basis. Also, I have noticed that some software developers don’t read blogs written by software testers. That is a shame because I think that we can learn a lot from them. That is why I decided to create a newsletter that shares the best testing articles which I found during the last week. Let’s get started. Technical Stuff Selenium – XPath Unleashed Part One provides a quick introduction to basic XPath locators which you can use when you are writing end-to-end tests with Selenium. The Really Valuable Stuff Test driven development: theory and practice is a yet another introduction to TDD. However, this blog post is actually a good one because it also talks about the pitfalls of TDD and admits that sometimes automated tests have a negative impact to the design of the implemented application. Types and Tests is a thought-provoking blog post that investigates the claim: “If you are using dynamic typing, you need to write tests for “illegal input” (wrong types, null values, and so on) because you don’t have the safety net provided by static typing”. Unit
Java ecosystem meets blockchain in the Aion Virtual Machine – JAXenter
Java meets the blockchain with the Aion Virtual Machine, from the Aion Foundation. Take advantage of the vast Java ecosystem and build smart contracts.
Eclipse – Unsupported major.minor version 53.0, 52.00, 51.0 Error in Java
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
Reusable single instance wrapper/object in Java stream map
Seems like this question should already have an answer but I could not find a duplicate. Anyways I am wondering what community thinks about use case like this?Wrapper wrapper = new W…
How to Remote debug a Java Program in Eclipse IDE
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
Java command-line tools every JDK developer should know
Don’t get too far away from your code in the development process. These five Java command-line tools help bring you back to your code base and ease JDK troubleshooting.
Java Weekly, Issue 284 | Baeldung
A new Spring Cloud Services project for building service brokers, and a look at Hypersistence Optimizer, a performance tuner for JPA and Hibernate applications.
Why does the Java Scheduler exhibit significant time drift on Windows?
I have Java service running on Windows 7 that runs once per day on a SingleThreadScheduledExecutor. I’ve never given it much though as it’s non critical but recently looked at the numbers and saw t…
Different deserialization behavior between Java 8 and Java 11
I have a problem with deserialization in Java 11 that results in a HashMap with a key that can’t be found. I would appreciate if anyone with more knowledge about the issue could say if my proposed
JCP Copyright Licensing request
The open source community has welcomed Oracle’s contribution of Java EE into Eclipse Foundation, under the new name Jakarta EE. As part of this huge effort and transfer, we want to ensure that we have the necessary rights so we can evolve the specifications under the new Jakarta EE Specification Process. For this, we need your help!
10 Examples of Array Data Structure in Java – Tutorial
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
VS Code introduces a package installer for Java developers – JAXenter
News for Java developers: VS Code announced a new installer for Java. The package auto detects if you have the most recent Java components.
The 2018 DevOps RoadMap
An illustrated guide to becoming a Frontend or Backend Developer with links to courses