Sending emails to your application’s clients or customers is a common enterprise use case. The emails usually contain invoices, reports or confirmations for a given business transaction. With Java, we have a mature and robust API for this: The JavaMail API. The JavaMail API standard has a dedicated website providing official documentation and quickstart examples. The…
Java Web Start is dead. Long live Java Web Start!
open source implementation of WebStart and JNLP
Love it or Hate it, Java Continues to Evolve – Azul Systems, Inc.
Developers both love and hate Java, while others, apparently, regret learning ot code in Java. Evolving the OpenJDK so that everyone is happy is hard.
Top 5 Online Courses to Learn Java 9 in 2019
A blog about Java, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, Interview questions, and my personal experience.
The Java Daily 10/6/19
The Java Daily provides you with the best articles from the Java world on a daily basis
ZK 8.6.2 Freshly Ready for Testing – ZK Forum
Dear ZKer, I am here to share with you that ZK 8.6.2 PE/EE will be released soon and the freshly (nightly) build is now …
Top 5 Courses to Learn Jenkins for DevOps Engineers and Java Programmers
A blog about Java, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, Interview questions, and my personal experience.
Top 5 Spring Boot Courses to Learn Online for Java Developers in 2019
A blog about Java, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, Interview questions, and my personal experience.
Why is the Java 11 runtime ignoring my jar containing sun.misc classes?
I am trying to upgrade my code base to Java 11. Unfortunately, my code has a dependency on a third-party library that internally uses sun.misc.BASE64Encoder and Decoder. Since the sun.misc package …
21 Websites to Learn How to Code for Free Online
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
Payara Tools 1.0 – New and Noteworthy
Payara Tools 1.0 has been released after having been in alpha since last year. Here is a list of some of the noteworthy items available in this release.
Improved JVM debug mode based on OSR
JVM debug mode It is important that developers can use debuggers like Eclipse, NetBeans, and JDB to debug a Java program running in debug mode. Under the hood, debugging features like setting break…
Generating setters and getters using Java::Geci
In the article , we created very simple hello-world generators to introduce the framework and how to generate generators generally. In this article, we will look at the accessor generator, which is…
New Renaissance Performance Benchmark Aims to Compare JVMs
Charles University and Oracle Labs have released a new JVM performance benchmark, named Renaissance. The performance tests focus on modern parallel workloads, primarily comparing GraalVM in HotSpot mode against OpenJDK.
How to Write a Simple, yet Extensible API
How to write a simple API is already an art on its own. I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead. ― Mark Twain But keeping an API simple for beginners and mos…