A blog about Java, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, Interview questions, and my personal experience.
Java switch Statements
The Java switch statement provides a handy way to select a specific action based on the value of a given variable. From Java 12 the switch statement can even be used as an expression meaning it can return a value instead of only being able to perform an action.
Pivotal Throws Its Weight Behind OpenJDK with Spring Runtime – The New Stack
Pivotal has been acting as a steward of the Spring Framework for Java for more than 15 years now, but, in the light of recent changes in the Java licensing model by Oracle, the company has decided to further invest itself in the open source future of Java with its Pivotal Spring Runtime.The Spring Runtime includes Pivotal’s OpenJDK distribution, which covers ongoing support, plus regular security and performance updates, as well as commercial support for the most popular Spring projects — Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Cloud Dataflow, among others — and support for Apache Tomcat (and its own Pivotal tc Server).
OK, Java is still free but which version do I use and recommend to my clients?
Yet another article on how to select the right version of Java.
First look at JDK 13: Switch Expressions (Preview) gets proposed to target – JAXenter
The development of JDK 13 moves on smoothly and we see two more JEPs getting proposed to target, as well as JEP 353 being now targeted to JDK 13.
Java Weekly, Issue 280 | Baeldung
An interesting week in the Java ecosystem, as the Eclipse Foundation wrestles control of the javax.* package namespace completely away from Oracle.
Java 8 Date Time – 20 Examples of LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime
A blog about Java, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, Interview questions, and my personal experience.
The Payara Monthly Roundup for May 2019
Our monthly news round up of interesting articles, videos, podcasts and community news from May.
J-Fall 2019 Call For Papers is geopend! – NLJUG – Nederlandse Java User Group
Tijdens J-Spring is het aangekondigd: de call for papers applicatie voor het grootste Java evenement
Java 101: Java polymorphism and its types
Learn the four types of polymorphism in Java, then start using subtype polymorphism to execute different forms of the same Java method
Java EE – Jakarta EE Initializr
Getting started with Jakarta EE just became even easier! Updated to 1.2Payara 5.192 and JKD 11.0.3 Java EE /Jakarta EE – Initializr
Java Interview Questions You Need To Know | Udemy
Want to selected in Java Interview , get to know the important things you need to know … – Free Course
Moving Forward with Oracle and Eclipse Foundation Agreement on Jakarta EE
The Java EE Guardians have noted with great excitement the final agreement between Oracle and the Eclipse Foundation to move forward Jakarta EE. Eclipse Foundation Executive Director Mike Milinkovi…