In this article we focus towards converting records from a .tsv file to json format and pushing it on our elasticsearch.
Top 20 Java Interview Questions from Investment Banks
There are a lot of Java developers trying for Java development role on Investment banks like Barclays, Credit Suisse, Citibank etc, but…
Esta es una guía de aprendizaje del stack Jmoordb , mediante una serie de talleres. Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Top 5 Courses to Learn Hadoop and BigData in 2019 – Best of Lot
A blog about Java, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, Interview questions, and my personal experience.
Create a Java Command Line Program with Picocli
Learn how to use Picocli to easily create command line programs in Java.
Java Weekly, Issue 279 | Baeldung
An overview of the Java wrapper around Hoverfly for testing end-to-end communications in microservices architectures using JUnit 5 and server virtualization.
What’s New in Payara Platform 192?
Summer is coming, and Payara Platform 192 is already here! Here’s a sampling of the new features, enhancements, fixes, and updates you can expect in this release:
21 Websites to Learn Programming for Free
A curated list of websites to learn to code, Programming, Java, Python, SQL, Git, and Ruby on Rails.
Streaming Java CompletableFutures in Completion Order
Java 8 brought us tools like CompletableFuture and Stream API… let’s try to combine them both and create a Stream that returns values from a…
Two JEPs Proposed for JDK 13: Enhancing AppCDS and ZGC
Two JDK Enhancement Proposals ( JEP s) were proposed for JDK 13 this week on the OpenJDK jdk-dev mailing list . Mark Reinhold posted these…
A boost for Java on the Client – Gluon
The IT landscape is constantly evolving. For client applications, there is a clear trend towards bundled native applications and appstores. One of the answers Java has in this area is jpackage. With jpackage, developers can bundle their Java(FX) application and dependencies with an appropriate Java runtime that contains everything that is needed to run the …
Graduating from Minimal to Rich Java APIs
Combining ease of learning with reduced code duplication for greater productivity.
Practice Java by Building Projects | Udemy
Ultimate Java interview prep course! 100% focused on applying object-oriented design in real-world applications – Free Course
Java Annotations
A Java annotation is a small comment-like construct you can insert before class, method and field declarations. Annotations can be used to generate source code from, or be accessed at runtime via reflection.