The Spring MVC framework is one of the most popular Java frameworks for developing web applications. If you have been working in Java and t…
(Don’t Fear) the Java – Azul Systems, Inc.
Updates to Java have changed and you now have more choice than ever for where to get your JDK. This doesn’t mean there will be divergent versions, though.
Five RESTful web service client examples for developers
Developers need to know how to invoke web services quickly and efficiently. Here are five RESTful web service client examples to help you determine which one makes the most sense for your enterprise.
Lambda Expressions -> Java | Udemy
Learn Lambda Expression, Functional Programming, Functional Interface, Predefined Functional Interfaces – Free Course
Java Weekly, Issue 278 | Baeldung
Red Hat takes the reins from Oracle in assuming control of OpenJDK 8 and 11, bolstering its support for the Java community, especially enterprise developers.
How to create a QR Code SVG using Zxing and JFreeSVG in Java?
In this article, we will look at how to use the Zxing QR code generation library and JFreeSVG library to create a QR Code SVG image in Java. QR Code Generation The below code creates a java.awt.ima…
Object Oriented Programming in JAVA | Udemy
Learn/Brush up Object Oriented Programming(OOP) skills using Java Programming Language and apply them in real time – Free Course
How to Format Date to String in Java 8 and Before – Example Tutorial
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
Generating a Random Number in Java From Atmospheric Noise – MVP Java
Learn how to generate a true Java random number from atmospheric noise by tapping into as your source for randomness.
Jakarta EE without javax: the world won’t end this time either
If you missed the news, Oracle is donating the Java EE specification to the Eclipse foundation . This decisions has followed a rather long …
Explicit No-Arguments Constructor Versus Default Constructor
Most developers new to Java quickly learn that a ” default constructor ” is implicitly created ( by javac ) for their Java classes when the…
Introduction to Lombok – briansdevblog
An introduction to Lombok and how it can help you reduce boilerplate and write cleaner more concise code.
Don’t Fear the Java – Azul Systems, Inc.
Updates to Java have changed and you now have more choice than ever for where to get your JDK. This doesn’t mean there will be divergent versions, though.
Native Java Debugging on Alpine Linux: GDB, OpenJDK and the Mysterious Unknown Signal | OverOps Blog
Porting a software project to a new operating system is always interesting and fun, and Alpine Linux with its musl libc brings a unique set of challenges. I got started with Alpine Linux by setting up a fresh Alpine disk install and desktop environment on my laptop, stacked up with C++ and Java development tools.
java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Error converting data type float to numeric – Java + SQL Server
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.