Additional migration guides coming soon: WildFly to the Payara Platform Tomcat to the Payara Platform Get Help With Your Migrati….
An example of UnaryOperator in functional Lambda expressions – Coffee Talk: Java, News, Stories and Opinions
Do you need an example of how to use Java’s UnaryOperator in a functional Lambda expression? This tutorial shows you where, when and how to use the UnaryOperator interface in a function.
Java – Convert String to Short Example
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
#HOWTO: Java Benchmarking with JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness)
In one of my previous blog posts, I showed you a simple way to load-test your application with Apache Benchmark. As this solution is suitable for e.g. testing a REST interface, this approach is not the best for benchmarking Java methods directly. Luckily we have a tool for this within the JVM ecosystem: JMH (Java…
Can you make an Abstract Class/Method Final in Java?
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
Ultimate Guide: Custom Queries with Spring Data JPA’s @Query Annotation
Spring Data JPA’s @Query annotation gives you full flexibility to define your JPQL or native SQL queries and provides several features to easily enhance your query.
SerCe’s blog: The matter of time()
The matter of time() Hi! As software engineers, we all rely on the notion of time: a crucial concept in ensuring that events in ou….
How clone method works in Java?
The clone() is a tricky method from java.lang.Object class, which is used to create a copy of an Object in Java. The intention of the clo…
Top 20 Hibernate Interview Questions for Java J2EE Programmers
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
50+ Data Structure and Algorithms Interview Questions for Programmers
There are a lot of computer science graduates and programmers applying for programming, coding, and software development roles at startups…
Entuware or Whizlabs? Which Exam Simulator Should you Buy for Java Certifications (OCAJP, OCPJP, and Others)?
I often receive queries from Java certification aspirants about exam simulators like whether should I go for Whizlabs or Enthuware , which…
JJUG CCC 2019 Spring
JJUG CCC 2019 Spring/Japan Java User Group Cross Community Conference 2019 Spring
Java for Beginners – Step by Step | Udemy
Understand the basics of Java – Free Course
How to write a screen scraper application with HtmlUnit – Coffee Talk: Java, News, Stories and Opinions
Interested in how to write a Java screen scraper application with HtmlUnit instead of JSoup? Here’s a screen scraper example to help you get started with content aggregation.