May 5, 2019 | Viewed : 1,077 | +1,067 pv/w A Java example to generate a strong, secure random password containing [a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%&….
10 Tools Used by Java Programming Developer in Day to day life
Every trade has their tools, and Java programming is no exception. In fact, good knowledge of tools and mastery of using them, saves a lot …
10 Example of LocalDate, LocalTime, and LocalDateTime in Java 8
A blog about Java, Spring, Hibernate, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, JavaScript, and my personal experience.
The Internet of Data Ecosystem
We are on a mssion to create a plug`n play realtime internet of data ecosystem supporting wide variety of data intelligence use cases,easy to use, high performance and scalability.
How to fix UnsupportedClassVersionError: Class has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime • Crunchify
Today after installing Java 12 on my laptop, I started seeing some issue about compiler version mismatch. In this tutorial we will go over steps on how to
Top 5 Hibernate and JPA Courses for Java Developers to Learn Online
Hibernate is one of the essential frameworks for Java and Java EE or JEE programmers, especially if you are working on the server side of a…
Announcing oci-gradle-plugin version 0.1.0
The first release of the OCI Gradle Plugin is out! The plugin lets you interact with the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Java SDK. The behavior provided by OCI Java SDK is quite extensive, thus for thi…
Data Structures and Algorithms | Coding Interview Q&A
Learn Data Structures & Algorithms from Scratch. + Master Coding Interviews . From basic to advanced. – Free Course
Red Hat replaces Oracle as OpenJDK 8, OpenJDK 11 steward
Oracle has passed the baton of OpenJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11 to Red Hat to support and maintain these open source Java implementations. Red Hat’s OpenJDK work must ensure developers have tested and debugged platforms for applications.
What is Ansible pre_tasks? How to Update OS, Install Python and Install JRE on Remote Host? • Crunchify
What is pre_tasks in Ansible? pre_tasks is a task which Ansible executes before executing any tasks mentioned in .yml file. Consider this scenario. You
5 Free Docker Courses for Java and DevOps Engineers
If you are an application developer working in Java or C# or any other language and wants to become a DevOps engineer or someone who wants…
Java Dev Environments with Containers
Go from zero to hero without having to install JDK, Maven, Gradle or anything like that with prebaked Java dev environments in containers.
How to Convert Hostname to IP Address in Java – InetAddress Example
Hello guys, today, I am going to teach you about one interesting class from package, the InetAddress. If you have never used this …
Top 5 Courses to learn Git and Github for Beginners – Best of Lot
There is no doubt that Git and Github have become standard source control and code repository for software developers. There was a time whe…
5 Free Courses to learn Blockchain Programming in 2019
Hello guys, how are you doing? hope you all are having a great time and working towards your goal in this year. I have been sharing a lot…