An updated extension pack for Microsoft’s open source, cross-platform Visual Studio Code editor boosts Java functionality by adding support for the new Java 12 release, along with new Java code actions and language features.
How does the reduce() method work in Java 8?
I try to understand how does the reduce() method work in java-8. For example I have this code:public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] arr = {“lorem”, “…
Jakarta EE 8 and Beyond
The Payara team gives our thoughts on how Jakarta EE should evolve given the Eclipse Foundation announcement of an Update on Jakarta EE Rights to Java Trademarks.
How to Create QRCode Using QRGen in Java
In one of my previous articles, we saw how to create QRCode and its SVG equivalent using Zxing Java library. The Zxing library is no longer actively maintained and for this, there is a wrapper arou…
Debug your Java applications in Docker using IntelliJ IDEA | IntelliJ IDEA Blog
Posted on April 30, 2019 by Alexey Zhebel The Docker integration enables you to build or pull Docker images and run Docker contain….
Running databases in Docker at scale – JAXenter
The use of docker containers for Java applications has become part of everyday project work. However, developers often shy away from running databases in docker containers. Joakim Recht (Uber) shows in his session at DevOpsCon 2018 how to use Docker for databases.
Restricting the Object Type for the get method in a Java HashMap
Try Stack Overflow for Business Our new business plan for private Q&A offers single sign-on and advanced features. Get started by ….
Java SE 9 to 12 Theory and Practice
Learn what’s new in Java SE 11 and 12 to help you get ahead on the next iteration of Java coding
A beginner’s guide to Hibernate Statistics – Vlad Mihalcea
Learn how the Hibernate Statistics mechanism works and how to activate it so that you have a better insight into what happens under the hood.
Google Releases New Java Logging Framework
Google announced the release of a new open-source Java logging framework called Flogger that improves upon existing logging frameworks by reducing the cost of disabled log statements, increasing overall readability, and allowing extensibility.
How to Convert/Print Array as String in Java with Example
Array and String are very closely related, not just because String is a character array in most of the programming language but also with p…
A Reading List for Java Programmers
My list of all-time great books for Java programmers covering topics from core Java to best practices, to unit testing, clean code, and Spring framework.
Cgroup Metrics – now available in Javacore
Eclipse OpenJ9 can now provide Linux cgroup information as part of a Java dump file, commonly known as a javacore. This can be very handy to debug clearly by having the information about the…
How to convert Stream to List, Set, Map, and ConcurrentHashMap in Java 8 – Learn with Examples
In Java 8, Stream is one of the most important class as it allows a lot of useful functional operations e.g. filter, map, flatmap, etc on a…
Java 9 Migration Issues and Resolutions | Baeldung
Find out how to solve common issues related to the Java module system when migrating an existing application to Java 9.