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Transforming Recorded TestProject Tests Into Java Code

The TestProject team published a new feature that allows us to transform our recorded tests into Java code and download the generated code. This blog post explains when this feature is useful to us and describes how we can use this feature. After we have finished this blog post, we: Know when we should transform recorded tests into Java code. Can download a recorded test as Java code. Are familiar with the contents of the generated Gradle project. Know how we can make the required changes to the generated Gradle project. Can upload our test case to the website and run the uploaded test. Let’s begin. This blog post is the eight part of my TestProject tutorial that is sponsored by However, the views and opinions expressed in this tutorial are mine. This blog post assumes that: You are familiar with TestProject You can package TestProject tests and addons with Gradle You know how you can run your tests with TestProject By the way, you might want to read the other parts of my TestProject tutorial. Why Should We Transform Recorded Tests Into Java Code? It isn’t a secret that code generation is a bit controversial topic. I

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