Let’s dive into an implementation of the “Clean Architecture” from Uncle Bob with Java 11.
Generic Constructors in Java | Baeldung
Learn how to use generic constructors in both generic and non-generic Java classes.
Single File Source Code with Java 11
One of the many salient features of Java 11 is the ability to directly run a single file of Java source code without the need to compile…
OpenJDK on GitHub
Project Skara was created “to … investigate alternative SCM and code review options for the JDK source code, including options based upo…
Renaming Java EE Specifications for Jakarta EE
It’s time to change the specification names… When we first moved the APIs and TCKs for the Java EE specifications over to the Eclipse Foundation under the Jakarta EE banner, we kept the…
Java Weekly, Issue 275 | Baeldung
A nice write-up comparing assertion libraries for Kotlin, and a first look at a couple of experimental debugging tools for Project Reactor.
Mozilla tries to do Java as it should have been – with a WASI spec for all devices, computers, operating systems
One binary to rule them all
How do Java 8 default methods hеlp with lambdas?
It is claimed in this article that: one of the major reasons for introducing default methods in interfaces is to enhance the Collections API in Java 8 to support lambda expressions.I could
Java streams and state
With Java 8 streams, it seems Functional Programming has won. Long live statelessness and recursion! Reality is a bit more nuanced: as always in software programming, it depends. I believe that the more tools in your toolbelt, the better it is. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. In Functional Programming, every function needs to be pure: output only depends on input, and there are no side-effects. For this reason, Java methods to create infinite streams are not u
Compare LocalDate instances – Java 8 Date Comparison Example
Learn to compare two LocalDate instances to find out which date represents an older date. LocalDate class is part of java.time package added in Java 8.
An Introduction to Hazelcast | Baeldung
An intro guide to using Hazelcast in Java – and a look at the cluster, client and distributed map.
Java Collections – Collections in Java – HowToDoInJava
Java Collections framework is consist of the interfaces and classes which helps in working with different types of collections such as lists, sets, maps, stacks and queues etc.
Top 20 Spring MVC Interview Questions and Answers
The Spring MVC framework is one of the most popular Java frameworks for developing web applications. If you have been working in Java and t…