Context and Motivation The current article describes a series of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Just In Time (JIT) Compilers benchmarks and their results, relying on different optimization patterns. Fo…
Weird behaviour of Java logging statement
Using log4j with Sl4j and ran into a weird issue, I have following log statement.log.trace(“Foo Request object value : {} foo params: {}” , foo==null, foo);If foo has a bar value, it prints bel…
What is JDBC? Introduction to the Java Database Connectivity API
Get to know Java’s low-level API for making database connections and handling SQL queries and responses
How to automate Maven and Java JDK8 installation with groovy for Jenkins?
I’m building a Jenkins Docker image and I will like to automate the installation of Maven 3 and Java 8 last JDK. But unfortunately I use these two groovy files locate into the groovy folder:groov…
Top 20 Searching and Sorting Algorithms Interview Questions for Programmers
Hello All, If you are preparing for Programming job interviews or looking for a new job then you know that it’s not an easy process. You g…
Top 10 Tools Every Java Developers Should Learn in 2019
Hello guys, we are already in the second month of 2019 and I am sure all of you have already made your goals about what to learn in 2019 an…
Variance in Java
Complicated if required learning for an exam, but generally intuitive and useful in daily practice.
Survey: Machine Learning/Data Science Propel Python Past Java — ADTmag
A big new developer survey shows that Python has finally passed Java in the programming language popularity wars, propelled by its propensity for use in machine learning and data science projects.
Oracle Responds to Google’s Supreme Court Hail Mary — ADTmag
In what is sure to be the last chapter in the seemingly unending courtroom drama that is Oracle v. Google, Oracle has responded to Google’s hail-Mary request, filed with the Supreme Court in January, to review the appeals court’s ruling that the Alphabet subsidiary infringed on Oracle’s copyrights over its use of 37 Java APIs in the Android OS.
How to get current Day, Month, Year from Date in Java 8 and before? LocalDate vs java.util.Date
In this article, I’ll show you how to get the current day, month, year, and dayOfWeek in Java 8 and earlier version like Java 6 and JDK 1.7…
10 Examples of forEach() method in Java 8
From Java 8 onward, you can iterate over a List or any Collection without using any loop in Java. The new Stream class provides a forEach(…
Stack Overflow dev survey 2019: Python more popular than Java
Stack Overflow’s annual developer survey is back with results for 2019. Find out what technology is most loved, most dreaded, and most wanted.
Introduction to Test Driven Development (TDD)
The Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software engineering practice that requires unit tests to be written before the code they are…
GraphQL Java Cheat Sheet | GraphQL Blog: Learning GraphQL, Tutorials, Examples, Tools
A GraphQL Java Cheat Sheet to help you understand what is what in GraphQL Java world. You might find it useful if you: Want to learn…
Winter is Coming For Java Updates – Azul Systems, Inc.
The next scheduled update to Java is released next week. However, there will no free public update for either JDK 8 or JDK 11 from Oracle.