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Java LocalTime class – create, parse, format and modification examples

java.time.LocalTime class, introduced in Java 8, represents a local time object without the date or timezone information as hour-minute-second parts. It represents time to nanosecond precision e.g. 09:25:59.123456789 We can use the LocalTime instances where we need to represent a time without any need of the date or timezone reference as seen in a wall …

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Algorithms | Coursera

Algorithms from Stanford University. Algorithms are the heart of computer science, and the subject has countless practical applications as well as intellectual depth. This specialization is an introduction to algorithms for learners with at least …

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Jakarta EE 9: 2019 Outlook – JAXenter

As Java EE moves into the Eclipse Foundation, it’s important to keep an eye on various milestones along the way. Today, Arjan Tijms of Payara explains how the transfer is going and explores some of the proposals for future EE releases.