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Super Charge the Module Aware Service Loader in Java 11

Uday Tatiraju describes the service loading mechanism in Java and the changes made to it in order to support the native Java module system. Tatiraju also discusses an experimental library called Susel that can assist developers in building modular and extensible applications that leverage the native Java module system. The library removes the boilerplate code required to locate and load services.

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Java Testing Weekly 10 / 2019

There are many software development blogs out there, but many of them don’t publish testing articles on a regular basis. Also, I have noticed that some software developers don’t read blogs written by software testers. That is a shame because I think that we can learn a lot from them. That is why I decided to create a newsletter that shares the best testing articles which I found during the last week. Let’s get started. Technical Stuff Integrating TestProject with Jenkins CI is an excellent blog post that describes how you can run TestProject jobs from the Jenkins CI server. JUnit 5 Conditional Test Execution with Annotations is a comprehensive blog post that describes how you can enable and disable test methods when a specific condition is true. Running the Robot Framework in your own Docker Container is a good blog post that describes how you can create a Docker image that can run tests which use the Robot Framework. Using WireMock Scenarios is a practical blog post that explains how you can simulate the different states of a REST API with WireMock. The Really Valuable Stuff What Could Kill Testing? is a thought-provoking blog post which identifies seven things