How the new Manifold framework connects your JSON Schema and YAML resources directly to Java without code generators, annotated POJOs, or other go-betweens.
How to convert ArrayList to HashMap or LinkedHashMap in Java 8 – Example Tutorial
One of the common task in Java is to convert a List of object e.g. List
6 Books to Learn and Master Programming and Coding – Must Read
Coding is an integral part of Programming and we all somehow learned to code by following examples here and there. Yes, I am talking about …
Java – Distributed JPA Lock For Reservation
I am working on a legacy system that allows reservation scheduling. The application is stateless REST and designed to be horizontally scaled. The database, however, is shared between all instances.
Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Payara Platform 191 Release – Overview. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.
Join Payara engineers for an informative and practical webinar on the recent updates and enhancements to the Payara Platform in the last release (5.191), including:- MicroProfile 2.1- Return of the Help Docs- EJB Remoting Improvements- Payara Micro Context RootsPayara Platform 191 release has 46 Bug Fixes, 8 New Features, 22 Improvements and 53 Component Upgrades.
Since Java 9 HashMap.computeIfAbsent() throws ConcurrentModificationException on attempt to memoize recursive function results
9 1 Today I learned from some JS course what memoization is and tried to implement it in Java. I had a simple recursive function t….
Java® Full Throttle with Paul Deitel: A One-Day, Code-Intensive Java Standard Edition Presentation
Get up-to-speed on core Java Standard Edition topics in one code-walkthrough-intensive day with Oracle® Java® Champion Paul Deitel.Java® Full Throttle with Paul Deitel is a one-day Safari Live online training course that provides a fast-paced, c…
5 Courses to Learn RESTful Web Services With Java and Spring in 2019 – DZone Java
In this article, we share some of the best courses to learn REST API development in the Java world using Spring.
How is the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process (EFSP) different from the Java Community Process (JCP)? – JAXenter
Tanja Obradovic explains the five crucial differences between the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process and the Java Community Process.
Java generate stream – finite and infinite streams – HowToDoInJava
Learn to create or generate a finite stream of elements using java.util.Stream API. Also learn to generate infinite stream of data/elements with examples.
How to deal with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet in Spring Application
The java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet error comes when you deploy a Spring MVC applicati…
7 Tips to Write Better Java Code You Should Know – DZone Java
We look at seven easy tricks to help you write better Java code, covering best practices for your IDE, unit tests, JDK version, dependency management, and more.
What do the experts think about Java in 2019? |
2019 promises to be an exciting year in Java. Industry experts, as well as our internal Java experts, weigh in on what’s to come.
OpenJDK Projects you should know about: Amber
This month we are focusing on OpenJDK projects you should know about. So far we have already covered Valhalla, Panama, Loom, and Skara. This time we will
Succeed with the test-first Java certification prep approach
If you saw the questions to an exam before you took it, it would be significantly easier to pass. Why not employ a similar strategy in your Java certification prep?